Good question. If I understand you correctly, this is how I approach fluoride and other additives to the water supply: I live in what geographers classify as the Deep South and what historians and sociologists call “the Bible Belt”. There are many areas here that are called “unincorporated” and oftentimes these areas do not fluoridate the water. I’ve never seen anything wrong with people who live in such areas. Next, I would say not that around here we have many, many homes who receive their water entirely from onsite wells. Well water is very safe and totally untreated. My grandmother and one of my close friends had a well and no one in either home suffered any ill effects. Teeth an bones all fine. Thus, my conclusion is that there is no need whatsoever for fluoride use.
If you have a chance, please sub to my youtube channel and check out the other videos that I’ve put together on related topics. Thanks